Design A Handyman Business Model For Online

If you are already a handyman or dream of becoming one then, you know there is one thing you must do. And, that important one thing is to get business. If you don’t have any business then you don’t eat.

So what do most people do? If they don’t have much money, they start with word of mouth. Some even go as far as handing out flyers in neighborhoods.

But, there are other ways you can drum up business, that do not really take a ton of cash. You just have to be willing to put in some work.

So, today I’m going to show you how to get a good amount of business over time. And, the way we are going to do it is with a website.

Starting A Handyman business Website

When done the right way a website is a powerful weapon in your marketing arsenal. It doesn’t come without ups and down however. But it still remains one of the best ways to get business.

You just have to learn how to make it properly, be patient and put forth the effort.

This is where many handymen loose it all. They are not willing to learn or even put in the time.

It’s actually pretty easy to get started and that is the most important thing. If you don’t at least start then you will never even have a chance of making it.

So, do not worry about if you fail or that you might do everything wrong.

The great thing about making a website is you can improve over time and always reshape your site. I’m continually learning all the time.

What Do You Really Need To Get Business From A Handyman Site

The biggest thing you need to gain business is content. Again, this is where most people fail. They do not realize it takes a huge amount of effort writing content or they don’t want to do it. But, I promise you, if you put in the time you will get somewhere.

Now your content needs to be helpful in all ways. So you need to learn how to write or hire someone to write for you.

This is what your content should contain:

  • Service focused articles, i.e. keyword: “Handyman service”
  • Helpful articles dealing with issues customers may have
  • Other information related to your business

Service focused articles

These articles are going to be focused around keywords people looking for your service would search for you on a search engine like Google. The keywords could be words like handyman service, handyman repair service, toilet repair, etc.

What you need to do here is use a keyword tool to find these words and the create articles around them.

Helpful articles about customer problems

These will be your blog post articles. For these, you will want to focus on key terms such as toilet making noise, no hot water in shower, etc.

These articles will support your cause further by adding more content to your site which Google loves to see.

Other Information related To Your Business

These articles will be pages like your about us page, privacy policy and more. Do not make the mistake thinking these are not important because they are.

Why Do I Need All These Articles?

That’s a very fair question and the answer is because each article you add to your site further increases your chances of being found by someone.

You see, you might see a keyword that gets 5000 searches a month overall. But that number decreases as you start to limit the area you service. So that 5000 searches a month word may go down to only 10-20 searches a month in a local service area.

Write Quality Content

When you set out to write, make sure you understand you need to produce quality content. There are a couple of very important reasons for this. The first one is your visitors. People can smell junk content a mile away. You want to be able to keep your readers on the page and even call you for service.

The 2nd is search engines can tell bad content also. Engines like Google have algorithms in place set to detect bad content. Now, you’re not going to start writing quality content right out of the gate. But if you keep at it you can and will produce quality for your handyman service website in time.

Getting Backlinks To Your Site

One thing you need is quality backlinks to you handyman website. What backlinks do is count as a sort of popularity vote for your website. But, you don’t want just any old junk links. You want links from relevant websites and real social followers.

Getting links from social media

A great place to start promoting your site and getting links from is social profiles such as Facebook and Twitter. But, you don’t want to spam with these profiles.

You want to get real followers who actually like your business and find it useful.

What you want to do here is concentrate on one or two social sites and try and build up an audience. Starting with Facebook or Twitter is a good option.

What you should do is buy ads to promote your business page on either social network and get likes. Buying ads is the easiest and most safe way of doing this.

Then, once you build a following you can then post your content and some ads to them. You might even have to buy a promoted post here or there.

What you are trying to do is get your content shared by your followers. So, come up with good posts that people would like to share.

Getting Links From Other Like Business’s

Another way to get links to from business’s who are relevant to your business. You could call them up and offer a discount to their customers and see if they wouldn’t mind adding a link back to your site where you create a promotional page.

Getting links back to your site is important but you do not want to spam to get them. Think of creative ways to build legitimate links.

Together, content and links will help your site rank higher and provide traffic from the links themselves if done right.

Branding Your Site

These is an important concept that’s is called branding. Branding does not work overnight but it can work wonders for a business overtime.

Have you ever seen the same ad on TV over and over again? That’s a branding campaign at work. The idea is play the ad enough and after people see if so many times they will remember your business when they need it.

How To Brand

One of the easiest ways to brand your business in on YouTube. You will need a short video for your ad. You can buy these on Fiverr. You do not need to spend a lot here. Just make sure you have a quality short video.

Then you can use Google ads to promote the video to people in your area. If you are targeting the right group of people then you should see some clicks over to your website.

Branding this way is a great option if you have the funds to do so.

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